

Do you feel hopeless in your life?
Are you without peace?
Do you need direction in your life?
Are you depressed?
Are you struggling to find meaning?
Have you done some things wrong and feel you have no way out?
Have you gone through a hardship or storm that you can’t see your way through it?

Life in this world can sometimes be very tough and at times we feel unsettled, hopeless and discouraged.

But there is One who has been waiting for you and cares and loves you more than any other. His name is Jesus Christ. Not only can He bring you eternal life in heaven, but He can bring you peace, joy and hope in the midst of your storm.
He came to this earth to die for you and me personally so that we can be reconciled back to the Father in heaven and we can become children of God.
He is real, not some God who doesn’t care about all the little details of your life. Do you know that He knows every hair on your head and He knew you even when you were in your Mother’s womb? That is truly an intimate God.

I want to invite you to ask Him to come into your heart and be your God. It doesn’t matter what you have done, good or bad.

Pray To God This Prayer With A Heart That Really Wants to Make A Confession and Commitment to Start a New Life With Jesus:

“Jesus come into my heart and change me. Please forgive me for all of my sins and wash me clean. I thank you that You died on the cross, was buried and then rose from the dead victoriously JUST FOR ME. Today I commit my whole life to You. Reveal Yourself to me as the One and only true God. Help me in my new walk with You and connect me with other people who follow You.
I pray all of these things in Jesus’s holy name. Amen.”

Congratulations on your new walk with God. Watch and pray that He reveal Himself to you in a very special way.
You will find a whole new life internally and externally. Troubles may come and go but He promises to never leave you nor forsake you because you are now a child of God.

If you have made this commitment to Jesus. We would like to send you some material to start you on your new glorious journey together with God.

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