Tag: christians

  • Christians Its Time To Prepare For A Possible Emergency Crisis

    Christians It’s Time To Prepare For Another Possible Crisis Or Emergency We have an election that is coming up in the U.S. in November that iscausing the country to be greatly divided. Forces of evil are tryingto overcome God’s moral truth and justice. Jesus has won the battleand overcome. But in the meantime along with…

  • Remember Christians: This Life Is Temporal And We Are To Occupy Until He Comes

    Remember Christians: This Life Is TemporalAnd We Are To Occupy Until He Comes Sometimes we as Christians forget that this life is temporaland our real home is eternally in heaven. But until that time we arealso instructed to occupy until Jesus comes back.Take a listen to a personal story and encouragement. Your life while onthis…

  • Finding True Wisdom: A Revelation Many Christians Don’t See

    Wisdom is a treasure to find. The Scriptures exemplify it’s worth for those who find it. You can find nuggets of wisdom when we explore the people and situations throughout the Bible. But there is one book in particular that we gravitate to when desiring to know more about God’s wisdom and that is the…