Week Of March 24th, 2025

TIME CHANGE: Starting on Sunday April 6th we will start our church services at 10:30 AM upstairs in the “Upper Room” in the West Henrietta Baptist Church. Parking in the back. Follow the signs.

– We invite you to come join us on Sunday April 13th as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We will be sharing a meal after the service.

PLEASE NOTE: We will not have church services on Easter Sunday April 20th. We will resume services the following week. Take the time to enjoy a restful and joyful time with family and friends.

– New Changes To Our Website: We are so excited to expand our website! We have three main focuses to help meet the spiritual needs of people around the world. You will find our web page has a “Post” tab. When you click on it, a dropdown will allow you to pick what topic you are interested in. You can sign up for one or all three to get them in your email every time we put out a post.

Here Are Your Three Options in the Post Dropdown:

1.) The Book Of Acts Church: Is for those interested in joining us in person or online as to what the Lord specifically is speaking to us at The Book Of Acts Church in Henrietta NY.

2.) Jesus World Revival: Is dedicated to encouraging and strengthening the Body of Christ to keep going and to fulfill the great commission to share Jesus Christ to a dying world and bring great Revivals from God to the Nations!

3.) Jesus Offers Hope: Is to bring hope and healing to those who are struggling and feel discouraged in this life.





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