The red heifer is significant to the Jewish people in Israel as they do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah. They are still waiting for His arrival and the red heifers play a significant role in helping to usher in the building of the 3rd final Temple for the return of Messiah. They rely on the Old Testament in Numbers 19 as they believe that the red heifers will help with purification at the anticipation of the building this 3rd Temple.

Christians on the other hand recognize Jesus as the last final and ultimate sacrifice for all mankind. Christ became the “Red Heifer” by taking upon Himself all the sins of the world. 1 John 2:2 And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world.

There have only been 9 perfect red heifers sacrificed. The first being by Moses and the last was many years ago with the destruction of the second temple.

The Jews have waiting many years for a perfect red heifer with all of it’s strict qualifications. A farmer in Texas worked with Israel to produce 5 of them and shipped them to Israel recently. (One has since been disqualified).

Take a few minutes to watch this short video on the subject. It is very important for Christians to keep up to date with what the Jewish people and the nation of Israel is doing. We need to keep abreast of the “times and seasons”.






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