Category: Posts
A Glorious Birth For unto us a child was born to die and defeat death. He was and is the full expression of the Father’s Love. He is the Greatest Gift Ever To Mankind.
Finding True Wisdom: A Revelation Many Christians Don’t See
Wisdom is a treasure to find. The Scriptures exemplify it’s worth for those who find it. You can find nuggets of wisdom when we explore the people and situations throughout the Bible. But there is one book in particular that we gravitate to when desiring to know more about God’s wisdom and that is the…
Come Join Us At Our Christmas Celebration!
We Are All In Transition
We are all in a transition at multiple times in our lives. “Transition” is a process or phase and change is an event that occurs. For example: “You get born again in a moment, but are in transition as you get your thoughts in line with God’s. You get married in a moment, you spend…
The Gift Of Repentance
Did you know that repentance can be a gift? I know it sounds funny but it is true. Our whole walk with God started when we repented and asked God to forgive our sins. And with that we were reconciled back to God the Father through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As we…
Faith Quote For The Day
Faith is trusting God even when you don’t understand His plan.
Put Jesus First In Your Life